Category: Mark of the Beast



Yahweh vs Jehovah

Answers by Dr. K. Daniel Fried This issue of Yahweh vs. Jehovah has indeed been a controversal one and the result of a number of cult groups. The fact of the matter is that the Massorite Scribes of the 7 – 11th century...


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Alfred Edersheim

Alfred Edersheim Alfred Edersheim. Alfred Edersheim (7 March 1825 – 16 March 1889) was a Jewish convert to Christianity and a Biblical scholar known especially for his book The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah (1883)....

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Poking God’s Eye

Antisemitism: A rather insidious evil has been prevalent for millennia. It has been believed and acted upon by people who were vigorously anti-God and by those who should have known better. From the days of the Pharaoh who persecuted the children of Israel to Haman, the Persian chief of state under King Ahasuerus, that sought to destroy all the Jews in that empire, to the “convert or die” cries of Islam toward the Jews in the Middle Ages, and on into our present day, its influence has pervaded the entire world. It is called Antisemitism. It is the vigorous hatred, cursing, and, often, physical persecution of the Jew by torture and/or death.

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