Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Abba Eban,  had made a historic speech at the UN during the 1967 Six Day war, demonstrating Israel’s justification for defending itself by attacking Egypt, Jordan, and Syria. Listening to this speech gives more information about the Mideast conflict than a college education and regarding the real issues still facing Israel today.
One day, God will give back all the Land of Israel  to the Jewish people. If you have any doubt that God Almighty is still protecting His Chosen people and the Promise Land, just listen to this famous speech. It will enlighten you to  the details that surrounded the Six Day War, which most now agree, was a great victory to Israel, and was unprecedented in the annals of warfare – a true Miracle. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!!

Star of David Divider 1

HIBM Editorial by Dr. K. Daniel Fried, Editor in Chief – copyright © 2017  HIBM


pictures of Abba Eban – Wikpedia, and Judith Getfer

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