Answers by Dr. K. Daniel Fried
This issue of Yahweh vs. Jehovah has indeed been a controversal one and the result of a number of cult groups. The fact of the matter is that the Massorite Scribes of the 7 – 11th century were assigned the task of preserving the pronunciation of the ancient Hebrew. In doing this, they created a system of vowel points to be put underneath each Hebrew letter.
[From Wikipedia]
“The Masoretes (ba’alei hamasorah, Hebrew בעלי המסורה) were groups of mostly Karaite scribes and scholars working between the 7th and 11th centuries CE, based primarily in present-day Israel in the cities of Tiberias and Jerusalem, as well as in Iraq (Babylonia). Each group compiled a system of pronunciation and grammatical guides in the form of diacritical notes on the external form of the Biblical text in an attempt to fix the pronunciation, paragraph and verse divisions and cantillation of the Jewish Bible, the Tanakh, for the worldwide Jewish community.
“Jehovist” scholars, who believe /ye-ho-vah/ to be the original pronunciation of the divine name, argue that the Hebraic vowel-points and accents were known to writers of the scriptures in antiquity and that both Scripture and history argue in favor of this status to the Hebrew language. Some members of Karaite Judaism, such as Nehemia Gordon, hold this view. The antiquity of the vowel points and of the rendering Jehovah was defended by various scholars, including Michaelis, Drach, Stier, William Fulke, Johannes Buxtorf, his son Johannes Buxtorf II, and John Owen (17th century); Peter Whitfield and John Gill (18th century); John Moncrieff (19th century); and more recently by Thomas D. Ross, G. A. Riplinger, John Hinton, and Thomas M. Strouse (21st century).
Therefore “Jehovah” is the english equilvant of “Yehovah”. This pronunication has been verified by ancient manuscripts predating the New-testament. The other way we know that “JeHoVah”is correct because it is broken into three syllables “Je” from “yehi” meaning “He will be” (translated one time in the KJB as “JAH”); next is “Ho” from “hove” meaning “Being”; lastly “Vah” from “hahyah” meaning “He was” . Therefore the meaning of “Jehovah” is the ETERNAL ONE. That is what the Lord Jesus was saying about Himself, that he was Himself Jehovah – defining it in Rev 1:4, 8; 4:8; 11:17. That Jesus therefore has validated the correct pronunciation by defining the three syllables of JE-HO-VAH.
Essentially ‘YAHWEH’ is “YEHOVAH‘ with the vowel points removed, because the Jews reverance God’s name and don’t want to take it in vain they subsitute the vowel point with the same vowel points for another name of God “Adonai” – therefore when they read Jehovah they pronounce it Adonai instead.
Not surprising, the KJB is always correct
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I like yahweh
It seem that all through the scripture God is consistence with the way that the Holy Spirit moved on the writers of the old and new covenants. \
Yehovah, 3 sylabols
Elohim 3 sylabols
Yeshua 3 sylabols
**yahweh 2 sylabols
I know that the Bibles says that knowledge will increase in the last days but it also say that many will stray from sound teaching , that among other things are indicators of why so many in the christian community have embraced “yehway over Yehovah”
Just a thought
looking for the true
So glad you posted this! Get questions about this quite a bit!