Anti-Semitic words and actions are exploding all around the world. Even many liberal “Christians” across the world are speaking and acting against Israel! But, Christians who understand the Scriptures know that Israel is still God’s chosen nation that will continue to be blessed by God. Any Christian who wants to be blessed by God will support Israel instead of trying to destroy her by Anti-Semitic words and actions. There are many Christians who still support Israel!

“Those Jews need to go back where they came from! They need to give the Palestinians back their land! The Jews in Israel are just a bunch of thieves! Those murderous Jews should be wiped off the face of the earth!” This is the kind of statements that are being shouted out all across the world. Many who claim to be Christians are making similar demands. Are these statements true or false? Does the Bible have anything to say about the Jews and the land in Israel? I will try to answer some of these questions in this section about Christ at the Checkpoint.

If we look back down the dark halls of time in history, we find that many people made similar statements, like the opening statements in this section! Martin Luther, the father of the modern day Lutheran Church, had a very strong, destructive hate for the Jews.

“In 1543 Luther published On the Jews and Their Lies in which he says that the Jews are a ‘base, whoring people, that is, no people of God, and their boast of lineage, circumcision, and law must be accounted as filth.’ They are full of the ‘devil’s feces … which they wallow in like swine.’ The synagogue was a ‘defiled bride, yes, an incorrigible whore and an evil slut …’ He argues that their synagogues and schools be set on fire, their prayer books destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, homes razed, and property and money confiscated. They should be shown no mercy or kindness, afforded no legal protection, and these ‘poisonous envenomed worms’ should be drafted into forced labor or expelled for all time. He also seems to advocate their murder, writing ‘[w]e are at fault in not slaying them’.” (14)

Recorded history says that Luther at first tried to win the Jews to Jesus. When they rejected his message about Jesus, he turned on them, like a crazy man with a gun, in an effort to wipe them off the face of the earth! His hate for the Jews was expressed in his book, “On the Jews and Their Lies” and other writings he published. History shows that the twisted writings of Luther helped inspire Adolf Hitler to murder around six million Jews in the Holocaust!

Christ at the Checkpoint conferences are sponsored by Palestinian Christians. It appears that they are headed in the same anti-Semitic direction as Martin Luther. Not all Christians in the area near the Christ at the Checkpoint conference, which is in Bethlehem, agree with the twisted viewpoints of those who sponsor and speak at the conferences! On March 11, 2014, Shadi Khalloul expressed that the majority of the Israeli Christians support Israel and oppose the anti-Israel statements of Christ at the Checkpoint!

“The Christ at the Checkpoint conference now taking place in Bethlehem bills itself as an ‘authentic’ voice of local Christians. That may be, but it is by no means the exclusive voice of local Christians. The following is a response to Christ at the Checkpoint conference by Shadi Khalloul, chairman of the Aramaic Christian Association in Israel, spokesman for the Christian IDF Forum and a representative of those Arabic-speaking Christians who have chosen to embrace Israel, rather than fight against it.
Like the majority of Israeli Christians, I feel that many Church leaders are betraying the Christian message and ignoring the rights of fellow Christians in the Holy Land in service to Islamic propaganda against our country, Israel.
To see Christian leaders participating in anti-Israel political conferences like Christ at the Checkpoint makes me feel like vomiting. I am ashamed of the duplicity of these leaders. In Israel, these Christians enjoy full rights and freedoms, even the freedom to publicly slander the state without fear. By contrast, they and their families would quickly be killed for so publicly criticizing the Palestinian Authority.
What worries us as Israeli Christians is seeing fellow Christians continue in their fearful approach to the Arabs by joining with those who routinely abuse and kill our own people in order to falsely accuse Israel, the only country in the region where Christians are actually protected.” (15)

HIBM Editorial by Avi Goldstein * Anti-Semitic Explosion! – Dr. K. Daniel Fried, Editor in Chief – copyright © 2015  www.hopeofisrael.netStar of David Divider 1

Next time, read Liberal Christians Against Israel! Those at Christ at the Checkpoint declare that Israel does not have any right to the land. In fact, they say that the church has replaced Israel because of Israel’s rebellion. You can click on the following short link to read the next related article, Liberal Christians Against Israel:

Short Link:


Martin Luther and antisemitism


Israeli Christians: Don’t Place ‘Christ at the Checkpoint’


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Menorah In Israel!


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