Changing the name of a piece of property or moving onto it does not make it your property! The land of Israel still belongs to the Jews, as evidenced by a deed and survey from God in the Scriptures. The Palestinian Arabs are occupying property that does not belong to them! They should be thankful if the Jews allow them to be guests, but they are very unthankful and wicked.
Eusebius is a historian who lived around 260 to 340 A.D. He examined history and showed how the Romans, who opposed the Jews, set out to wipe away the Jews claim to the land of Israel. The wicked Roman emperor, Hadrian, forced all Jews out of the land and he had the land of Israel colonized by foreigners. The city of Jerusalem was renamed along with other things, and an attempt to wipe out all traces of the Jewish religion, evidenced on the land, was carried out.
“Simon ben Kosiba, surnamed Simon bar Kochba (‘son of the star’) was a Jewish Messiah. Between 132 and 135, he was the leader of the last resistance against the Romans. After the end of the disastrous rebellion, the rabbis called him ‘Bar Koziba’, which means ‘son of the lie’. One of the most important texts on the subject can be found in the History of the Church by the Palestinian bishop Eusebius of Caesaraea (260-c.340). In this work, he sometimes quotes older sources, such as Ariston of Pella and Justin, who were both contemporaries of the revolt of Bar Kochba. In a chronographical work, Eusebius treats the subject matter, too. The translations were made by K. Lake. Eusebius, History of the Church 4.6.1-4” (21)
“The rebellion of the Jews once more progressed in character and extent, and Rufus, the governor of Judaea, when military aid had been sent him by the emperor, moved out against them, treating their madness without mercy. He destroyed in heaps thousands of men, women and children, and, under the law of war, enslaved their land.
The Jews were at that time led by a certain Barchochebas, which means ‘star’, a man who was murderous and a bandit, but relied on his name, as if dealing with slaves, and claimed to be a luminary come from heaven and was magically enlightening those who were in misery.
The war reached its height in the eighteenth year of Hadrian in Betar, which was a strong citadel not very far from Jerusalem. The siege lasted a long time before the rebels were driven to final destruction by famine and thirst and the instigator of their madness paid the penalty he deserved.
Hadrian then commanded that by a legal decree and ordinances the whole nation should be absolutely prevented from entering from thenceforth even the district round Jerusalem, so that it could not even see from a distance its ancestral home.
Ariston of Pella tells the following story: ‘Thus when the city came to be bereft of the nation of the Jews, and its ancient inhabitants had completely perished, it was colonized by foreigners, and the Roman city which afterwards arose changed its name, and in honor of the reigning emperor Aelius Hadrian was called Aelia. The Church, too, it was composed of gentiles, and after the Jewish bishops the first who appointed to minister to those was Marcus. Hadrian, year 19: Aelia was founded by Aelius Hadrian. And before its gate, that of the road by which to go to Betlehem, he set up an idol of a pig in marble, signifying the subjugation of the Jews to Roman authority.’” (22)
Both the liberal media and many Christians who are either liberal or ignorant are claiming that the name Israel in the Scriptures only refers to a people, not a piece of land. Many Scriptures are used in various articles to show that the Jewish people are entitled to the Promised Land. Besides these, there are some definite Scriptures which show that a certain piece of land is called Israel.
Matthew 2:19-21 “But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, 20 Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child’s life. 21 And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and came into the land of Israel.”
Here in Matthew 2 we see where an angel called it the land of Israel, not Palestine. It is not a hard choice for a Bible believer to decide who the land belongs to and what it should be called. We take the word of one of God’s angels anytime over that of sinful men who are deceived, lie, or are just plain ignorant.
Matthew 10:23 “But when they persecute you in this city, flee ye into another: for verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come.”
Chapter ten of Matthew is describing real things. These are not imaginary cities on imaginary land. Israel was and is real land, with real cities filled with the chosen people of God, the Jews. But, as a people, the Jews are also called Israel. Gentiles are never called Israel.
Liberals, like those at the “Christ at the Checkpoint” conference, would like Christians and the other people of the world to believe that there is no certain land promised to Israel. If they can convince the gullible to swallow this lie, Israel will be pushed off their land. The false Palestinians would make a claim to the land. Palestine is not mentioned even once in the New Testament. If God changed the name of Israel to Palestine, surely He would have told us this in the New Testament! This is all just more propaganda started by the Devil’s people to wipe out Israel and their rights promised by God.
According to the Word of God, those who call themselves Palestinians do not have any legal claim to the land of Israel. No Gentile can make a true claim to the land that God promised the children of Israel. Neither do those Palestinian Arabs who have become true Christians have a right to the land of Israel. In the future, God may allow some Gentile Christians to stay there, but it will be a privilege, not a guaranteed right. The land of Israel is promised to Israel. Ishmael’s seed – the land in Israel is not your land! In God’s final solution, for the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, Palestinian Arabs will not get any of the Promised Land. Israel’s legal claim to the land is binding in the Supreme Court of God, and it is documented in the Bible!
HIBM Editorial by Avi Goldstein * Attempt To Destroy Jewish Land Claim! – Dr. K. Daniel Fried, Editor in Chief – copyright © 2015
Short Link:
Texts on Bar Kochba: Eusebius!
(21) (22)
Palestinian Making Claim On Israel’s Land!
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