Dome Of The Rock

Just because the Palestinian Muslim Arabs control the Dome Of The Rock, it does not give them a right to the Jewish Temple site or any other Jewish land. Ishmael’s seed (descendents), who include the so called Palestinian Arabs, do not have a right to replace the Jewish people in Israel on the Promised Land. God owns the land that He promised to Israel for an inheritance, and no one else will establish a lasting legal claim to it! Even if a false claim to the Promised Land is granted in the courts of men, these false claims to the land have already been defeated in the Supreme Court of God. The deed and survey for the Promised Land is already written down in the Scriptures. The Jews are guaranteed the Promised Land. God will back up the land guarantee in the future. In legal terms, this is called a Warranty Deed. God is the Grantor and the Jews are the Grantees. God has provided the title insurance for the land by giving binding promises throughout the Scriptures. In the future, Jesus will defend the rights of the Jews to inherit the land in a mighty battle against all Gentile trespassers. The Palestinians will not get any of the land in God’s final solution for the conflict between Israel and Palestine!

Ishmael and his seed have no legal claim on the property. The promise of the land was passed directly to Isaac from Abraham, by God. Ishmael was bypassed. God gave Ishmael and his seed other blessings. His descendents appear to be the Arabs, including the Palestinian Arabs.

Genesis 17:18-21 “And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee! 19 And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. 20 And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. 21 But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.”

Abraham thought that Ishmael should have some of the Promised Land, but God said no! God made an everlasting covenant with Isaac and his seed in regards to the Promised Land. A temporary covenant can end, but an everlasting covenant is forever, without end. The covenant was made with Israel, not the Arabs. But, God did promise to bless Ishmael and his seed with other land. He would develop into a great nation. Of course, for a nation to properly exist, they should have land. But, Ishmael’s seed is not happy with the land that God gave them. The Arab nations, around the Promised Land, are vast in comparison to Israel. But, the Palestinian Arabs want what God gave Israel. Presently, Israel only has a small portion of the land that God promised them, and the Arabs want to steal that from them too!

HIBM Editorial by Avi Goldstein * Ishmael’s Seed, This Land Is Not Your Land! – Dr. K. Daniel Fried, Editor in Chief – copyright © 2015

Star of David Divider 1

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The Dome Of The Rock On Jewish Temple Site!


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