Nepal Earthquake Israel Rescue Aids

After a destructive and deadly earthquake shook Nepal on April 25th 2015, Israel provided them an official aid delegation of 260 Israeli citizens to help in the rescue efforts. Also, many private groups came from Israel to help in the rescue effort. Three Israel Air Force Hercules military transport planes and two Boeing jets are being used in the rescue efforts by Israel. Israel Defense Force soldiers and Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs are involved in search and rescue teams. Israeli soldiers established a field hospital to compassionately care for the thousands of injured people.  There are 127 medical personnel, including 40 doctors, who came to the aid of injured Nepal earthquake victims. Ninety-five tons of equipment was brought from Israel to Nepal to aid in the humanitarian rescue effort. Besides the hospital equipment, cutters, electronic sniffers, generators, and lighting equipment was brought to help in the effort.

The earthquake in Nepal had a moment magnitude of 7.8. There have been over 8,400 people killed in the earthquake and 17,570 plus people injured. As of May 1st, there were at least 120 aftershocks causing further damage. Many schools and clinics have been destroyed as a result of the earthquake. An initial estimate shows that it will cost at least two billion dollars to rebuild the destruction caused by the earthquake. Hundreds of thousands of people lost their homes and possessions. Earthquake victims are in desperate need of water, food, and shelter. Israeli workers and people from other countries have worked together as a team to rescue many people from under the rubble of destroyed homes and buildings.

“Israeli rescue teams pulled a woman in her 20s out of the rubble on Thursday, five days after a devastating earthquake hit Nepal. Meanwhile, a long-absent noise – cheers – rang out in Nepal’s capital as rescuers pulled a teenager alive from the earthquake rubble he had been trapped in for five days.” (1)

“Hundreds cheered as the 15-year-old, Pemba Tamang, was pulled out of the wreckage, dazed and dusty, and carried away on a stretcher. He had been trapped under the collapsed debris of a seven-story building in Kathmandu since Saturday, when the magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck.” (2)

‘“I never thought I would make it out alive,’ the teenager told AFP at the Israeli military-run facility where he was being kept for observation.” (3)

We should send a letter of thanks to the leaders of Israel and the other nations who helped in this earthquake disaster in Nepal.

Nepal Tower Destroyed In Earthquake 2015

The Dharahara Tower built in 1832 towered into the sky 203 feet. But, the earthquake on April 25th in Nepal brought it down to the ground in ruin. When it fell, it took the lives of about 180 people. The destruction of this tower in Nepal and the loss of life remind us about what Jesus had to say about the tower of Siloam.

Luke 13:4-5 “Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.”

Jesus reminds us that we will all die someday. If a person dies without repenting of their sins and believing on Jesus as their personal Saviour, they will perish forever in the torments of the Lake of Fire. This does not mean that they will cease to exist. It means that they will be in a continuing state of perishing. The soul and spirit of a person will live forever. The loss of property and lives in Nepal is very sad, but the saddest part of it all is that many of those who died in the earthquake never repented of their sins. A 2001census shows that there are few, if any, Christians in the country of Nepal!

“The 2001 census identified 80.6% of the population being Hindu. Buddhism was practiced by about 11% of the population (although many people labeled Hindu or Buddhist often practice a syncretism blend of Hinduism, Buddhism, and/or animist traditions). About 3.2% practice Islam and 3.6% of the population follows the indigenous Kirant religion. Christianity is practiced officially by less than 0.5%.” (4)

Often those who practice the Catholic religion are called Christians. It is false to call a Catholic a Christian. Practicing Catholics believe in a salvation accomplished by their good works. Their false religion does not encourage its followers to trust on Jesus as their only Saviour.  Our hope is that some of these people killed in the earthquake were true Christians. All of the other religions practiced in Nepal have false gods. These religions lead to death, not life. Jesus is the only one who can bring eternal life. Our compassion and prayers go out to all of the survivors in Nepal. We understand how it hurts to lose someone that you love. We encourage the citizens of Nepal and others to repent of their sins, and turn to Jesus.

John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

HIBM Editorial by Avi Goldstein * Israel Rescuing Nepal Earthquake Victims! – Dr. K. Daniel Fried, Editor in Chief – copyright © 2015

Star of David Divider 1

Short Link:


Israelis rescue woman from rubble 5 days after Nepal quake!

 (1) (2) (3)

Culture of Nepal!



Israel Defense Force Rescue Nepal Earthquake Victims 2015!

Dharahara Tower Collapsed In Earthquake!


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