Many people, including famous, religious leaders, like John Hagee, are saying or implying that the coming blood moon on September 27th, 2015 is the prophesied blood moon of Joel. The coming blood moon will be the fourth blood moon that has occurred since they began in 2014. These preachers claim that this fourth blood moon will signal the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to Earth. They falsely base their prophecy of the Second Coming of Christ on some of the past blood moons that came in sets of four.
The following are quotes from John Hagee’s book about blood moons:
Hagee said, “Two blood moons, in 2014 and 2015, point to dramatic events in the Middle East and, as a result, changes in the whole world.” (1)
Blood moons have occurred down through the centuries. There is nothing in the Scriptures that says every time a blood moon or even four blood moons occur that some major event is going to happen in the Middle East or in the world. It is a false teaching to say that blood moons always signal major changes in Israel or the world.
Hagee also said, “Every time this [four blood moons within two years] has happened in the last 500 years, it has coincided with tragedy for the Jewish people followed by triumph. And once again, for Israel, the timing of this tetrad is remarkable.” (2)
It is a false teaching to say that the blood moons of the past were signs of or correlated to major events that happened to the Jewish people. The three major events that Hagee and others claim that the blood moons signaled are: when the Jews were expelled from Spain during the Spanish Inquisition, Israel becoming a nation, and the Six Day War.
As displayed in the chart above, in 1492 Spain expelled the Jews and Columbus discovered America, which became a safe haven for the Jews. Notice that the four blood moons around the time when the Jews were expelled during the Spanish Inquisition came after the Jews were expelled from Spain. What benefit would it be to give a sign after the event was over? If God is going to warn someone about something, He does it before it is too late. God never promised to give a sign about the expelling of the Jews during the Spanish Inquisition.
On May 14th, 1948, Israel became a nation. Some false teachers claim that the four blood moons around this time related to an armistice (peace agreement) between the Jews and the Arabs. This peace agreement was supposed to represent a lasting peace between the Jews of Israel and their intruding Arab neighbors. But, this certainly was not a lasting agreement. There has been no peace in Israel due to the constant attacks by Arab, Muslim terrorists. Lasting peace will not come to Israel until King Jesus rules, Isaiah 66:12. Others, like Hagee, claim the four blood moons related to Israel becoming a nation in a day on May 14th, 1948. This was certainly a much bigger event in history. Israel becoming a nation in a day is found in prophecy, Isaiah 66:8. But, as seen on the chart above, the four blood moons came after Israel became a nation. Again, what benefit would this be after the fact? Also, God never promised these four blood moons as a sign during either of these events in history.
In 1967, Israel won the Six Day War and recaptured Jerusalem. This happened on June 7th, 1967 after the first of four blood moons. What would be the purpose of God giving a sign of the recapturing of Jerusalem by the preceding blood moon and the three following blood moons? God would be sending mixed signals, and He does not do that. He speaks the truth clearly in the Bible. Again, God never promised any sign for the recapture of Jerusalem.
Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees that an evil and adulterous generation seek signs. They were seeking signs as proof that Jesus was who He said that He was, when He came the first time. Jesus told them that Jonah in the belly of the whale was the only sign that would be provided to them picturing His death, burial, and resurrection. According to Jesus, an evil and adulterous people seek signs about future events. But, this is exactly what modern day false preachers and teachers, like John Hagee, are doing in regards to the Second Coming of Jesus. We do not need a sign because we have been provided the Scriptures that provide all the answers we need about the Second Coming of Jesus. This false prophecy about the blood moons is a big money scheme by these false preachers and teachers. When Jesus fails to come back in the Second Coming after the final blood moon of four on September 27th, 2015, do you think that these false preachers will give the people back the millions of dollars that they have made off of selling books about the false prophecy? Besides, if they really believe that Jesus is coming back, what do they need all of the money for from book sales? Since they are already rich, why don’t they give the books away so that everyone can be properly warned? Their false teaching about the Second Coming of Christ after the last blood moon in September is based on a lie.
Matthew 12:38-40 “Then certain of the scribes and of the Pharisees answered, saying, Master, we would see a sign from thee. 39 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.”
Also, after the time of Jesus being on Earth the first time, there were four other sets of four blood moons. Nothing major happened to the Jews during these four sets of four blood moons. If the previous three sets of blood moons that fell on Jewish holidays meant something, as proclaimed by preachers like Hagee, why were the four blood moon sets that preceded them not important signs about Jewish events? These false prophets fail to mention the following four sets of blood moons that took place: 162 AD to 163 AD; 795 AD to 796 AD; 842 AD to 843 AD; 860 AD to 861 AD. They fail to mention them because they do not fit into their deceitful, false prophecies.
Finally, Jesus clearly states that we cannot know when His Second Coming will take place. But, these false prophets are contradicting Jesus and claiming that they do know when He is coming back. We need to be very careful and not support false preachers like John Hagee. If these blood moons are so important to Israel, why is Israel not able to see some of them? These are the kinds of false prophecies that lead unbelievers to think that all Christians are teaching false doctrine.
Matthew 24:36-37 “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”
Instead of being concerned about blood moons, people need to be concerned about their eternal destination. If you die without repenting and believing on Jesus as your Saviour, you will be in torments forever in Hell, followed by the Lake of Fire. Call on Jesus today and ask Him to save you. We are all sinners, and we need to be saved. We cannot save ourselves by keeping the law of God or by doing any good works. Let us know if you receive Jesus as your Saviour.
To read a detailed article about the true meaning of Joel’s prophecy of end times titled, “Joel’s Blood Moon Prophecy Revealed!”, please click on the following short link: Otherwise, you can read it on our Facebook page at Hope of Israel Baptist Mission Inc. Thanks!
HIBM Editorial by Avi Goldstein * Blood Moon 2015 Prophecy Exposed! – Dr. K. Daniel Fried, Editor in Chief – copyright © 2015