People all over the world need to say thank you to the Jewish people. The Jewish people are very beneficial and helpful to others. They have contributed many inventions and works to the benefit of mankind.

Jewish Inventions and discoveries

Thank you to the Jewish people who invented lasers. Albert Einstein laid the foundation for lasers. A Jewish, American physicist, Theodore Maiman, fired the first working laser. Russian, Jewish scientist, Zhores Alferov won a Nobel Prize in 2000. His invention led to a laser that allows the transfer of vast amounts of information from satellites to Earth. Zhores’ invention also made it possible to have so many telephone lines between cities. Many other Jewish scientists continue to work on modern lasers. Lasers are used in DVD players, barcode scanners, laser surgery and welding materials. The Military uses lasers to mark targets, measure speed and set range. (1)

Thank you to the Jewish people who work in the medical field. Jewish, American cardiologist, Paul Zoll, helped develop the cardiac pacemaker and defibrillator. (2)

Thank you to the Jewish people for stainless steel. In 1893, German, Jewish, chemist, Hans Goldschmidt, developed the process for producing carbon-free chromium. This has led to stainless steel, which is used in many modern applications including: kitchen appliances, architecture, aircraft, etc. (3)

Thank you to the Jewish people who developed vaccines for Cholera and the Bubonic Plague. These diseases killed millions of people before a vaccine was developed. Jewish bacteriologist, Waldemar Haffkine, developed vaccines for both of these deadly plagues. Waldemar put his own life at risk in the development of these life-saving vaccines. He injected himself with these vaccines before anyone else was put at risk by a potentially harmful vaccine. (4)

Thank you to the Jewish people for the Polio vaccine. Jewish biologist, Karl Landsteiner, identified the cause of Polio in 1908. In 1955, Jonas Salk, the Jewish medical researcher, developed the first successful inactive Polio vaccine. He refused to patent the vaccine choosing to save lives rather than make a profit. (5)

Thank you to the Jewish people who founded Google. Larry Page and Sergey Brin are Jewish men who developed the Google computer search engine. It provides G-mail for millions of people. Many applications have developed from Google. Both Jewish founders endorse the company’s motto, “Don’t be evil”. (6)

Jewish Scripture Writers

Thank you to the Jewish writers who wrote the Scriptures. God chose to use Jewish men to write all of the Scriptures. Both the Old and New Testaments were originally written by Jewish men. People of the world would not know God’s written will if the Jews did not write it down. Jewish scribes preserved God’s Word by the power of God.

Jesus, a Jewish Saviour

Thank you to our Jewish Saviour, Jesus. God chose for Jesus to be born Jewish, according to the flesh. Jesus came into the world to save both Jews and Gentiles.

Repent and believe on Jesus, the Jewish Saviour, before it is too late. Ask Jesus to save you from the penalty of your sins today.

Thanks to Jewish People

The world owes a great debt to the Jewish people. We only named a few of the multitude of things that Jews have contributed to the benefit of mankind. Please seek out some Jewish people and tell them thank you.  Tell them that you love and appreciate Jewish people.

A Psalms of Thanksgiving

Psalms 100:1-5 “A Psalm of praise. Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.”

HIBM Editorial by Avi Goldstein * Thanksgiving A Jewish Thank You! – Dr. K. Daniel Fried, Editor in Chief – copyright © 2017

Short Link:


Thank Jewish People


10 Jewish Inventions That Changed the World

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