Messianic Prophecy According to the Rabbis


A List of OT passages interpreted messianically in the Rabbinical writings (from Edersheim’s Appendix 9)


Gen 1.2 (Isa 11.2, Lam. 2.19)


Gen 2.4 (Gen 3.15, Ruth 4.18)


Gen 4.25 (Ber. R. 23; m. Ruth 4.19)


Gen 5.1 (Ber. R. 24)


Gen 14.1 (Ber. R. 42)


Gen 15.18 (Ber. R. 44)


Gen 19.32 (Ber. R. 51)


Gen 22.18 (Bemid. R. 2)


Gen 33.1 (the midrash co-joins this with Is 66.7, notes that the before the first oppressor was born, the last Redeemer was already born.


Gen 38.1,2 (Ber. R. 85)


Gen 49.1 (Ber. R. 98)


Gen 49.9 (Yalkut 160 and Ber. R. 98)


Gen 49.10 (Yalkut u.s.; midrash on Gen 49.10, on Prov 19.21, or Lan 1.16; all the targums)


Gen 49.12 (targum ps-jon and the jeru.targ)


Gen 49.17 (last clause, in the Midrash–Ber.R.98)


Gen 49.19 (Ber. R. 99, but cf. Ber. R. 71)


Gen 50.10 (at the close of Ber.R.)


Ex 4.22 (midr on Ps 2.7)


Ex 12.2 (Shem r. 15)


Ex 12.42 (jeru.targ)


Ex 15.1 (mekilta)


Ex 16.25 (Jer. Taan. 64a)


Ex 16.33 (Mechil)


Ex 17.16 (ps-J.targ)


Ex 21.1 (Shem R. 30)


Ex 40.9,11 (ps-J.targ)


Lev 26.12 (Yalkut 62)


Lev 26.13 (Ber. R. 12)


Num 6.26 (Siphre on Num par. 42)


Num 7.12 (Bem. R. 13)


Num 11.26 (J.targ)


Num 23.21 (ps-J.targ; see also Num 24.7 in the J.targ)


Num 24.17 (onk.targ; ps-J.targ; Jer. Taan. 4.8; Deb r. 1; Midr. on Lament 2.2)


Num 24.20,24 (ps-J.targ)


Num 27.16 (Yalkut)


Dt 1.8 (Sirhre 67a)


Dt 8.1 (comments of Tanchuma)


Dt 11.21 (siphre par 47)


Dt 16.3 (siphre , par 130; see also Ber 1.5)


Dt 19.8,9 (Siphre, par 185; Jer.Macc 2.7)


Dt 20.10 (Tanchuma par 19)


Dt 23.11 (Tanchuma on Par. Ki Thetse 3)


Dt 25.19 and 30.4 (ps-J.targ; cf. last 3 lines of Bem. R.)


Dt 32.7 (Siphre)


Dt 32.20 (Siphre)


Dt 33.5 (jer.targ)


Dt 33.17 (Tanchuma on Gen 1, par.1; Bemidb. R. 14)


Dt 33.12 (Sebach. 118b)


Judg. 5.31 (Ber R 12; see also Gen 2.4)


Ruth 2.14 (Midr R. Ruth 5; Midr on Cant 2.9; Pesik 49a,b; Shabb. 113b)


Ruth 1.1 (targ)


Ruth 3.15 (targ)


Ruth 4.18,20 (see refs under Gen 2.4)


1 Sam 2.10 (targ, plus various midr.)


2 Sam 22.28 (Sanh, 98a)


2 Sam 23.1 (targ.)


2 Sam 23.3 (targ.)


2 Sam 23.4 (midrash, par 29)


1 Kgs 4.33 (targ)


1 Chr 3.24 (targ; plus Tanchuma, par. Toledoth 14)


Ps 2 (Berach 7b; Abhod. Zarah 3b; midrash on Ps 2; midrash on ps 112.11; Pirqe de R. Eliez c.28; Yalkut; individual verses below)


Ps 2.4 (Talmud–Abhod. Z. u.s.)


Ps 2.6 (midrash on 1 Sam 16.1–connects the suffering of the Messiah with Is 53!)


Ps 2.7 (talmud–Sukk. 52a)


Ps 2.8 (Ber. R. 88; talmud-Sukk 52a)


Ps 2.9 (see Ps 120)


Ps 16.6 (Ber R. 88)


Ps 16.9 (midr)


Ps 18.31 (in the Hebrew, verse 32: targ)


Ps 18.50 (Jer.talmud–Ber 2.4; midr on Lam 1.16)


Ps 21.1 [Heb 2] (targ; midr)


Ps 21.2 (midrash)


Ps 21.3 [4] (midr; cf. Shemoth R. 8)


Ps 21.4 (Sukk.52a)


Ps 21.5 [6] (Yalkut on Num 27.20; Beidbar R. 15)


Ps 21.7 [8] (targ)


Ps 22.7 [8] (Yalkut on Is 60, applies this verse to the messiah, using almost the same words as the gospels)


Ps 22.15 [16] (Yalkut)


Ps 23.5 (Bemid R. 21)


Ps 31.19 [20] (midr; pesiqta, p149)


Ps 36.9 (Yalkut on Is 60)


Ps 40.7 (see refs at Gen 4.25)


Ps 45.2 [3] (targ.)


Ps 45.3 [4] (talmud–Shabb 63a)


Ps 45.6 [7] (targ; in Ber.R.99 a connection with non-departing sceptre is made!)


Ps 45.7 (some eds of targ)


Ps 50.2 (siphre)


Ps 60.7 (Bemidbar R. on Num 7.28)


Ps 61.6 [7] (targ; pirqe de R. Eliez c.19)


Ps 61.8 [9] (targ.)


Ps 68.31 [32] (talmud-Pes. 118b; Sheoth R. on Ex 26.15)


Ps 72.1 (targ.; midr.)


Ps 72.16 (Talmud–Shabb.30b; Midr on Eccl 1.9)


Ps 72.17 (Sanh 98b; Pes. 54a;Ned. 39b; Ber.R. 1; midr on Lam 1.16; Pirqe de. R. Eliez.c.3)


Ps 72.8 (Pirqe d. R. Eliez.c.11; Yalkut on Is 55.8; Midr. Bemidbar R.13)


Ps 72.10 (Midr. Ber. R 78; Midr. Bemidbar R.13)


Ps 80.17 [18] (targ.)


Ps 89.22-25 [23-26] (Yalkut on Is 60.1)


Ps 89.27 [28] (Shemoth R. 19)


Ps 89.51 [52] (Midr on Ps 18)


Ps 89.53 (midr. on Cant 2.13)


Ps 90.15 (midr)


Ps 92.8,11,13 [7,10,12] (pirqe d. R. Eliez.c.19; midrash)


Ps 95.7, last clause (Shem R. 25; Midr on Cant 5.2; cf. Sanh 98a and Jer. Taan. 64a)


Ps 102.16 [17] (Bereshith R. 56)


Ps 106.44 (midrash)


Ps 110 (targ; midr on ps.2; midra on Ps 36 [35])


Ps 110.2 (Beresh. R. 85; Bemid. R. 18; Yalkut)


Ps 110.7 (Yalkut)


Ps 116.9 (Ber. R. 96)


Ps 116.13


Ps 119.33 (midr)


Ps 120.7 (Midr)


Ps 121.1 (tanchuma–par.Toledoth 14; cf. Yalkut)


Ps 126.2 (tanchuma on Ex 15.1)


Ps 132.18 (pirke d. R. Eliez.c.28)


Ps 132.14 (Ber. R. 56)


Ps 133.3 (Ber. R. 65, closing lines)


Ps 142.5 (Ber. R. 74)


Prv 6.22 (Siphre on Deut)


Eccl 1.9 (midr)


Eccl 1.11 (targ)


Eccl 7.24 (targ)


Eccl 11.8 (midr)


Eccl 12.1 (midr)


Cabt (all refs to Solomon are applied to the messiah in Talmud–Sheb 35b)


Cant 1.8 (targ)


Cant 1.17 (targ)


Cant 2.8 (Shir haShirim R.; Pesiqta)


Cant 2.9-10,12 (Pesiqta)


Cant 2.13 (midrash)


Cant 3.11 (Yalkut)


Cant 4.5 (targ)


Cant 4.16 (midrash; Bemidbar R. 13)


Cant 5.10 (Yalkut)


Cant 6.10 (Yalkut)


Cant 7.6 (midrash)


Cant 7.13 (targ)


Cant 8.2 (targ)


Cant 8.4 (targ)


Cant 8.11 (Talmud–Shebhu 35b)


Cant 8.12 (targ)


Isa 4.2 (targ)


Isa 4.4 (see Gen 18.4, 5; Deut 23.11)


Isa 4.5,6 (Yalkut, midr on Ps 13; midrash on ps 16.9)


Is 6.13 (Talmud-Keth 112b)


Is 7.21 (see Gen 18.7 refs)


Is 8.14 (Talmud–Sanh 38a)


Is 9.6 (targ; debarim R. 1; Bemidbar R. 11)


Is 9.7 (see Num 6.26)


Is 10.27 (targ)


Is 10.34 (midrash on Lam 1.16)


Is 11:1 (targ; Bereshith R. 85 on Gen 38.18–Ps 110.2 is quoted there also; Ber. R. 99; Yalkut)


Is 11.2 (see Gen 1.2; Yalkut on Prov 3.19,20; Pirq. d. R. El.3)


Is 11.3 (Talmud-Sanh 93b)


Is 11.4 (midrash on Ps 2.2; midr. on Ruth 2.14; Yalkut on Is 60)


Is 11.6 (targ.)


Is 11.7 (see Ex 12.2)


Is 11.10 (see Gen 49.10 nd Ps 21.1)


Is 11.11 (yalkut; midr on Ps 107.2)


Is 11.12 (Midr on Lam 1.2)


Is 12.3 (cf. the ancient practice of pouring out the water on the Fast of Tabernacles)


Is 12.5 (midr on Ps 118.23)


Is 14.2 (see Gen 18.4,5)


Is 14.29 (targ)


Is 15.2 (targ)


Is 16.1 (targ)


Is 16.5 (targ)


is 18.5 (talmud-Sanh 98a)


Is 21.11,12 (Jer. Taan. 64a; Shem. R. 18)


Is 23.8 (midr. on Eccl 1.7)


Is 23.15 (talmud-Sanh 99a)


Is 24.23 (Bemidbar R, quoted under Gen 22.18; Bemidbar R. 13)


Is 25.8 (talmud-Moed Q. 28b; Siphra; Yalkut; Yalkut on Is 60.1; Debar. R. 2; Shem R. 30)


Is 25.9 (Tanchuma on Deut)


Is 26.19 (midr on Eccl 1.7)


Is 27.10 (Shem R. 1; Tanchuma on Exod 2.5)


Is 27.13 (Talmud–Rosh. haSh. 11b; Yalkut; Pirqe de R. El. c.31)


Is 28.5 (targ)


Is 28.16 (targ; Rashi)


Is 28.15 (Jer. Taan. 1.1)


Is 30.18 (Sanh 97b)


Is 30.19 (Yalkut on Zech 3.8)


Is 30.25 (see gen 18.4)


Is 30.26 (Talmud–Pes. 68a and Sanh 91b; Pirqe de. R. El. 51; Shemoth R. 50; cf. also Ber. R. 12 and gen 2.4)


Is 32.14,15 (midr. on Lam 3.49)


Is 32.20 (Tanchuma; Deb R. 6)


Is 35.1,2 (Tanchua on Deut 1.1)


Is 30.5,6 (Yalkut 1.78c; Ber. R. 95; midr on Ps 146.8)


Is 30.10 (midr on ps 107.1; yalkut on end of Chronicles; Shemoth R. 15,23)


Is 40.1-3 (see Is 11.12 and 35.1)


Is 40.5 (Vayyikra R. 1; Yalk 2.77b)


Is 40.10 (Yalk on Ex 32.6)


Is 41.18 (see gen 18.4-5)


Is 41.25 (Bem R. 13)


Is 41.27 (targum-Rashi; Bereshith R. 63; Vayyikra R. 30; Talmud–Pes 5a; Pesiqta)


Is 42.1 (targ; midr on ps 2; yalkut)


Is 43.10 (targ)


Is 45.22 (see Is 11.12, midr on lam)


Is 49.8 (Yalk.)


Is 49.9 (Yalk.)


Is 49.10 (midr on lam–quoted at is 11.12)


Is 49.12 (see Ex 12.2)


Is 49.13 (midr on prov 19.21)


Is 49.14 (yalk.)


Is 49.21 (midr on lam–see ps 11.12)


Is 49.23 (Vayyikra R. 27; midr on Ps 2.2)


Is 49.26 (Vayyikra R. 33)


Is 51.12 (see Is 11.12, and Is 25.9)


Is 51.17 (see Is 25.0)


Is 52.2 (see Is 11.12–midr on Lam)


Is 52.3 (talmud–Sanh 97b)


Is 52.7 (yalkut; yalk on Ps 112.1; see also Cant 2.13)


Is 52.8 (midr on lam–see Is 11.12)


Is 52.12 (Shemoth R. 15, 19)


Is 52.13 (targ; yalk(assoc. suffering with the messiah))


Is 53 (the messianic name ‘Leprous’ (Sanh 98b) is expressly based on it)


Is 53.10 (targ)


Is 53.5 (midr on Samuel; see Ruth 2.14)


Is 54.2 (Vayyikra R. 10)


Is 54.5 (Shemoth R. 15)


Is 54.11 (Shemoth R. 15; see also Ex 12.2)


Is 54.13 (Yalk; midr. on Ps 21.2)


Is 55.12 (midr on Ps 13)


Is 56.1 (see Ex 21.1)


Is 56.7 (see Is 11.12)


Is 57.14 (Bemidbar R. 15)


Is 57.16 (talmud–Yeb. 62a and 63b; midr on Eccl 1.6)


Is 59.15 (talmud–Sanh 97a; midr on Cant 2.13)


Is 59.19 (talmud-Sanh 98a)


Is 59.17 (pesiqta)


Is 59.20 (see Is 11.12)


Is 59.19,20 (Sanh 98a; Pesiqta 166b)


Is 60.1 (targ; Ber. R. 1 with ref to Dan 2.2; Ber. R. 2; Bemidbar R. 15,21; Yalkut on Exod 25.3; yalk on this chapter)


Is 60.2 (talmud-Sanh 99a; midr)


Is 60.2-4 (midr)


Is 60.4 (midr on cant 1.4–tied in with the Zec. prophs!)


Is 60.7 (talmud-Abod. Sar. 24a)


Is 60.8 (midr on Ps 48.13)


Is 60.19 (yalk)


Is 60.21 (talmud–Sanh 98a)


Is 60.22 (talmud–Sanh 98a)


Is 61.1 (see Is 32.14, 15)


Is 61.5 (yalkut; midr on Eccl 2.7)


Is 61.9


Is 61.10 (tanchuma on deut 1.1–see Is 25.9; Pesiqta)


Is 62.10 (see Is 57.14)


Is 63 (Pirqe de. R. El. c.30)


Is 63.2 (see Cant 5.10; Pesiqta)


Is 63.4 (Sanh 99a; midr on Eccl 12.10)


Is 64.4 [3] (yalk on Is 60)


Is 65.17 (midr on lam–see Is 11.12)


Is 65.19 (tanchuma on deut 1.1)


Is 65.25 (Ber R. 20; midr)


Is 66.7 (Vayyikra R. 14; midr on Gen 33.1)


Is 68.22 (Ber. R. 12; see gen 2.4)


Jer 3.17 (Yalku on Josh 3.9ff)


Jer 3.18 (yalkut on Cant 1.16)


Jer 5.19 (Introd. to Echa R.)


Jer 12.9 (Pirque de R. Eliez c.28)


Jer 16.13 (talmud–San 98b; midr on Lam 1.16)


Jer 16.14 (Mechilta)


Jer 23.5,6 (targ; talmud–Babha Bathra 75b; midr on Ps 21.1; midr on Prov 19.21; midr on Lam 1.16)


Jer 23.7 (see Jer 16.14; talmud–Ber. 12b)


Jer 30.9 (targ)


Jer 30.21 (targ; midr on Ps 21.7)


Jer 31.8 (yalkut)


Jer 31.20 (yalk; yalk on Is 9.1)


Jer 31.31,33,24 (yalk)


Jer 33.13 (targum; yalkut)


Lam 1.16 (Midrash R and in Jeru talmud)


Lam 2.22 (targ)


Lam 4.22 (targ)


Ezek 11.19 (Deb. R. 6 et. al.)


Ezek 16.55 (Shem R. 15)


Ezek 17.22,23 (targ)


Ezek 25.14 (Bemidbar R. on Num 2.32)


Ezek 29.21 (Sanh 98a)


Ezek 32.14 (Sanh 98a)


Ezek 36.25 (targ; yalkut; talmud–Kidd. 72d)


Ezek 36.27 (see Ezek 11.19)


Ezek 39.2 (Bemidbar R. 13)


Ezek 47.9 (Shem R. 15)


Ezek 47.12 (Shem R. 15)


Ezek 48.19 (Talmud–Baba R. 122a)


Dan 2.22 (Ber. R. 1; midr on Lam 1.16)


Dan 2.35 (Pirqe de R. Eliez c.11)


Dan 2.44 (Pirqe de R. Eliez c.30)


Dan 7.9 (interpreted by R. Akiba in Chag 14a)


Dan 7.13 (talmud–Sanh 98a: if Israel behaved worthily, the Messiah would come in the clouds of heaven; if otherwise, humble, and riding upon an ass!)


Dan 7.27 (Bem. R. 11)


Dan 8.13,14 (Ber. R. 21)


Dan 1.24 (Naz 32b; Yalkut)


Dan 12.3 (Shem R. 15)


Dan 12.11,12 (Midr on ruth 2.14)


Hos 2.2 (midr on Ps 45.1)


Hos 2.13 (see Jer 5.19)


Hos 2.18 (Shem R. 15 on Ex 12.2)


Hos 3.5 (targ; Jer Talmud–Ber. 5a)


Hos 6.2 (targ)


Hos 13.14 (Yalk on Is, par. 269)


Hos 14.7 (targ)


Joel 2.28 (Bemidbar R. 15; Yalkut)


Joel 3.18 (midr on Ps 13; midr on Eccl 1.9)


Amos .7 (midr on cant 2.13)


Amos 5.18 (talmud–sanh 98b)


Amos 8.11 (Ber. R. 25)


Amos 9.11 (talmud–Sanh 96b; Ber. R. 88; cf. Yalkut)


Obadianh 18,21 (Deb R. 1)


Micah 2.13 (see Gen 18.4,5; Midr on Prov 6)


Micah 4.3 (Talmud–Shabb 63a)


Micah 4.5 (Shemoth R. 15)


Micah 4.8 (targ)


Micah 5.2 (targ; Pirqe d. R. Eliez c.3;


Micah 5.3 (talmud–Yoma 10a; Sanh 98b)


Micah 7.6 (Sanh 97a; Sotah 49b; midr on cant 2.13)


Micah 7.15 (Yalkut)


Micah 7.8 (Deb.R.11)


Nahum 2.1 (see Is 52.7)


Hab 2.3 (Sanh 97b; Yalk)


Hab 3.18 (targ)


Zeph 3.8 (Yalk)


Zeph 3.9 (Talmud–Abhod.Zarah, 24a; Ber. R. 88)


Zeph 3.11 (Sanh 98a)


Haggai 2.6 (Deb. R. 1)


Zech 1.20 (Talmud–Sukk. 52b; midr–bemidbar R. 14)


Zech 2.10 (see Is 60.4; targ.)


Zech 3.8 (targ)


Zech 3.10 (midr on Ps 72)


Zech 4.7 (targ; tanchuma (par. Toledoth 14)


Zech 4.10 (tanchuma, u.s.)


Zech 6.12 (targ; jers-talmud–Ber 5a; Pirqe de R. Eliez c.48; et. al.)


Zech 7.13 (see Jer 5.19)


Zech 8.12 (see gen 2.4)


Zech 8.23 (see Is 60.1 in Yalkut)


Zech 9.1 (Siphre on Deut, p.65a; Yalkut)


Zech 9.9 (everywhere! Sanh 98a; Pirqe de R. Eliez c.31)


Zech 9.10 (see Deut 20.10)


Zech 10.4 (targ)


Zech 11.12 (Ber. R. 98)


Zech 12.10 (Talmud–Sukk. 52a)


Zech 14.2-6 (many passages on the messianic wars)


Zech 14.7 (yalkut on Ps 139.16,17; Pirqe d. R. Eliez c.28)


Zech 14.8 (Ber R. 48; see also gen 18.4,5)


Zech 14.9 (Yalkut; midr on Cant 1.13; et. al.)


Mal 3.1 (Pirqe de R. Eliez c.29)


Mal 3.4 (Bemidbar R. 17)


Mal 3.16 (Vayyikra R. 34)


Mal 3.17 (Shemoth R. 18)


Mal 4.1 [3.19] (Bereshith R. 6)


Mal 4.2 [3.20] (Shemoth R.31)


Mal 4.5 (many places…Pirqe de R. Eliez. c.40; Debarim R. 3; midrash on Cant 1.1; talmud; yalkut)



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