Since this article was published, thank God Meriam was released from prison and will not suffer the death penalty. However as she and her husband and children were leaving the airport, they were all arrested on some bogus charges. Please continue to pray for them and that they will be allowed to come to USA.  see below comments by ACLJ:


Christian mom’s freedom short-lived: Obama administration must act decisively
Jay Sekulow
By Jay SekulowPublished June 25,
June 5, 2014: In this file image made from an undated video provided by Al Fajer, a Sudanese nongovernmental organization, Meriam Ibrahim breastfeeds her newborn baby girl as the NGO visits her in a room at a prison in Khartoum, Sudan.AP
The free world rejoiced Tuesday when it learned that that Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese woman sentenced to die for her Christian faith, had been freed from prison. But less than 24 hours later Sudan’s repressive, jihadist regime struck back.

Now, confusion reigns. According to multiple reports, Sudanese secret police detained Meriam and her family just as they were waiting to board their flight out of Sudan, on the verge of freedom. Fox News reports that Ibrahim is now “back in a Khartoum lockup for allegedly using phony documents in a bid to flee the Islamic nation.” But it was not just Meriam. Her American husband and her young American children were taken as well.

It’s time for the world’s only superpower, the guardian of liberty for its citizens, to tell Sudan, “Enough.” One thing is crystal clear: The Obama Administration must act, decisively.

While a State Department spokesperson said the U.S. is concerned and working on the case, there was little information given about just what the U.S. is doing to secure their freedom. The fact is this international incident – with U.S. citizens being held against their will – deserves the attention of President Obama and Secretary Kerry. It needs to be dealt with at the highest level. It’s intolerable that we are left with nothing more than a couple of confusing answers from a State Department spokesperson in a daily briefing.

Americans are tired of seeing our fellow citizens and their families abused and detained by jihadist dictators, and we’re tired of weak and ineffectual Obama administration “responses” to major international incidents. Now the State Department seems utterly flummoxed by the most recent turn of events involving Meriam and her family.

As Christian persecution continues to claim lives across the globe – and especially in Africa and the Middle East – it’s vital that we stand with Meriam and her family in this most public of cases.

America’s message to Sudan must be crystal clear. Release Meriam. Release her American husband and children. Now.

It’s time for them to come home.
Jay Sekulow is Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ)





HIBM Editorial by Dr. K. Daniel Fried : When are we as a Nation going to wake up and realize that Islamic Sharia Law is an arch-enemy to our religious freedoms which so many died for. As we remember our fallen soldiers on Memorial Day – do something to honor their great sacrifice by joining thousands in outrage against what is happening in Sudan with   “Meriam”. Christians are the salt of the earth, lets start pouring out tons of salted condemnation for this barbaric act; What if that was your wife and 20 month old child held in jail for their faith – lets stop just talking about what we should do and lets start doing what were talking about!

 What  we can do: Call your US Embassy, Sudan Embassy, Senators, Congressmen, The White House, The United Nations, Governors.  But at least sign this Petition by  clicking here




“A judge in Sudan has sentenced Meriam Ibrahim to be tortured and executed.

Her only crime? Her Christian faith.

Born to a Christian mother and a Muslim father who abandoned her, Meriam was raised Christian, but the government of Sudan does not recognize her faith.

To Sudan, she is Muslim because her father was Muslim. Her Christianity makes her an apostate, a criminal.

The Sudanese judge gave her three days to recant her faith – to reject her Christian beliefs. She refused.

Meriam is pregnant, and her husband is an American citizen. After she gives birth, Sudan will punish her with 100 lashes, then kill her.

Time is of the essence. Add your name to the letter we’ll deliver to the government of Sudan. Be Heard for Meriam.

Sign the Petition: Save A Christian Mother from A Sudanese Death Sentence”



America must extract Meriam Ibrahim from Sudan

May 23, 2014

The solution to the case of pregnant Meriam Ibrahim, 26, who was sentenced to death by a Sudanese court, is simple: drones and U.S. Navy SEALs.

Ibrahim was condemned to death by the Sudanese high court because she refuses to renounce her Christian faith. Her Christian husband, who was recently allowed to visit her in prison, says she is being held in shackles. Her 18-month-old son, Martin, is with her in jail.

This is not a case of a sovereign nation freely exercising its laws; this is a case of the planned murder of an innocent woman based on her religion. This is a case of a young boy watching his pregnant mother locked up as a prelude to her execution. This is the cover of “religion” in an unhealthy alliance with government being pulled back to reveal an “evil empire,” to use the words Ronald Reagan once ascribed to the USSR.

America has a chance to demonstrate, definitively and unsparingly, what we stand for: freedom of religion and opposition to savagery.
Meriam Ibrahim is, to stretch a metaphor, a living embodiment of the mythological Helen of Troy, the daughter of Zeus and Leda, whose abduction by Paris was said to have brought about the Trojan War.

I mean this in one sense only: The abduction of a woman who has done no wrong can still galvanize the attention of the world and ought to be enough to trigger military action.

Those who abducted Helen of Troy were morally bankrupt, and their city was ultimately destroyed.

Those who have condemned Meriam Ibrahim to death are morally bankrupt and offer America the chance to demonstrate that we do not stand for brutality disguised as the exercise of justice or religious faith – not anywhere we know of it, not when we can oppose it.

One woman. There are certainly injustices involving whole populations. There are plagues and pestilences to defeat here and abroad. But this one woman is now iconic, with the world’s attention focused upon her – and for a reason no one need explain, but we may as well consider an act of God.

And now America has a chance to demonstrate, definitively and unsparingly, what we stand for: freedom of religion and opposition to savagery, among other things many in this nation seem, at times, to have forgotten.

The U.S. military should extract Meriam Ibrahim from Sudan even if it is supremely risky, purely because no nation or court or jail on earth should believe it can hold a pregnant woman hostage, subject her to a bizarre “court” proceeding, sentence her to death and then keep her in shackles with her little son in the same prison.

Any loss of life attending the attempted extraction of Ms. Ibrahim is life well spent, because that loss would testify to our people standing for good and decency in a world veering toward darkness. And if the “violation” of Sudan’s “sovereignty” should offend the Sudanese or anyone else, that’s good, too. Let them know who our enemies are. The existence of America should mean that there is no sovereignty on earth for barbarians.

The fact that a court anywhere in the world would feel that rendering a sentence like that rendered to Ms. Ibrahim might be tolerated by America is a sign of America’s decline. Now we have an opportunity to demonstrate, quite definitively, that we are, indeed, the world’s policeman when forces align to highlight a known evil with which we can and must do battle.
by  Dr. Keith Ablow – Fox News




May 26, 2014  “Pregnant Christian Mother Sentenced to Death For Refusing To Renounce Faith”

“We gave you three days to recant but you insist on not returning to Islam. I sentence you to be hanged to death,” the judge told the woman, according to Al Jazeera.

In addition to the death penalty, she was sentenced, last year, to 100 lashes for “adultery”.

By any standards, these are harsh sentences for the crimes of apostasy and adultery. But the woman being sentenced is eight months pregnant, and is imprisoned along with her 20 month old son, in a filthy Sudanese prison.

Thus is the current predicament of 27 year old Mariam Yahia Ibrahaim Ishag, of Sudan, sentenced to lashing and hanging for refusing to renounce her Christian faith and for marrying a Christian man.

Ishag became a Christian after her father, a Muslim, abandoned her family, when she was six years old. She was raised by her Ethiopian mother, a Christian, and later adopted her mother’s faith as her own.

Eventually, she married a Christian man, Daniel Wani, a U.S. citizen, and the couple has one son and a child on the way.

Under Shariah law, children are required to follow their father’s faith. Therefore, her “conversion” to Christianity is considered to be “apostasy” or renunciation of the Islamic faith, a crime punishable by death under Islamic law.

Because she is considered a Muslim by Shariah Law, her marriage to a Christian man is considered null, and she an adulteress, sentenced to receive 100 lashes, to be inflicted following the birth of her second child.

Following the Judge’s pronouncement of the death sentence, Mariam was given three days to recant her Christian faith and save her life. She refused, boldly stating “I am a Christian and I never committed apostasy!”

Her husband, unable to affect hers and their child’s release from prison, states that he feels helpless but he “continues to pray for his wife and child’s release.”

During last Thursday’s sentencing hearing, a Sheikh warned the court “how dangerous a crime like this is to Islam and the Islamic community,” reported Ibrahim’s attorney Mohamed Jar Elnabi.

Her legal team plans to appeal the verdict and expressed confidence that the sentence will be overturned upon petition.

In the meantime, Ibrahim, who is eight months’ pregnant, remains imprisoned with her 20-month-old son.

It seems that Ibrahim’s own family filed the complaint against her stating that she had been missing for several years and that they were shocked by her marriage to a Christian.

Outrage was expressed by human rights groups and governments, as the news broke of the death sentence.

Amnesty International describes Ibrahim as a prisoner of conscience.”The fact that a woman could be sentenced to death for her religious choice, and to flogging for being married to a man of an allegedly different religion, is abhorrent and should never be even considered,” Manar Idriss, Amnesty International’s Sudan researcher stated.

Katherine Perks of the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies said the verdict goes against Sudan’s “own Constitution and commitments made under regional and international law.”

A statement issued by the embassies of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and the Netherlands, called upon the Sudanese government to “respect the right of freedom of religion, including one’s right to change one’s faith, a right enshrined in the 2005 Interim Constitution of Sudan.”

The government of Sudan, under the rule of President Omar al-Bashir, engages in a system of “egregious violations of freedom of religion and belief,” according to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, in its 2014 report.

In fact, Sudan is listed among the eight worst offenders of religious rights, along with: Myanmar, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan, according to the US State Department.

Conversion from Islam is punishable by death, suspected converts to Christianity face societal pressures, and government security personnel intimidate and sometimes torture those suspected of conversion.

Sudanese Christians face arrest for evangelizing, confiscation of their property, and Christian churches have been destroyed, the commission said.

A 2014 Pew Research Study identifies Christians as the most persecuted group worldwide, among religious groups.

So what is the outlook for Mariam and her future?

According to Sudanese law, a death sentence must be ratified by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court, prior to execution. Additionally, under Sharia law, as practiced in Sudan, an execution of a pregnant woman cannot occur until two years after lactation ceases…

by  Prophecy News Watch Contributor – Debbie Smith



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