Hyperspectral Images Using CARS:*
(a) Mouse ear in DMSO @ 1560nm (b) Mouse ear in DMSO @1560-1575nm (c) Polybeads images @1570nm
*taken at Université Laval, Québec.
We are definitely approaching a time where it is no longer science fiction, but these special imaging machines can detect if you have gun powder on you, and if you are stressed and many other detections. This will all fit very well in the Anti-Christ system. With such technology it wont be hard for the future Anti-Christ to detect who is friendly or foe to their cause,and no doubt many more diabolical usages to come. It can also be seen that such abilities would eventually lead to the image of the Beast, as well as verifying the mark of the beast etc.
WASHINGTON (CBSDC) – The Department of Homeland Security will soon be using a laser at airports that can detect everything about you from over 160-feet away.
Gizmodo reports a scanner that could read people at the molecular level has been invented. This laser-based scanner – which can be used 164-feet away — could read everything from a person’s adrenaline levels, to traces of gun powder on a person’s clothes, to illegal substances — and it can all be done without a physical search. It also could be used on multiple people at a time, eliminating random searches at airports.
The laser-based scanner is expected to be used in airports as soon as 2013, Gizmodo reports.
The scanner is called the Picosecond Programmable Laser. The device works by blasting its target with lasers which vibrate molecules that are then read by the machine that determine what substances a person has been exposed to. This could be Semtex explosives to the bacon and egg sandwich they had for breakfast that morning.
The inventor of this invasive technology is Genia Photonics. Active since 2009, they hold 30 patents on laser technology designed for scanning. In 2011, they formed a partnership with In-Q-Tel, a company chartered by the CIA and Congress to build “a bridge between the Agency and a new set of technology innovators.”
Genia Photonics wouldn’t be the only ones with similar technology as George Washington University developed something similar in 2008, according to Gizmodo. The Russians also developed something akin to the Picosecond Programmable laser. The creators of that scanner claim that “it is even able to detect traces of explosives left by fingerprints.”
But what makes Genia Photonics’ version so special is that the machine is more compact compared to the other devices and can still maintain its incredible range.
Although the technology could be used by “Big Brother,” Genia Photonics states that the device could be far more beneficial being used for medical purposes to check for cancer in real time, lipids detection, and patient monitoring.
( resource: Gizmodo)
July 11, 2012 11:01 AM
photos from:, and copied from: Wikipedia; authored by – Christian Lackas, <> ,
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