Lev Tahor Jews!

Lev Tahor Jews!


You can be sure Satan has a sinister plan to destroy Israel! Satan may be able to turn the world against Israel by exposing an ultra-Orthodox Jewish religion. Lev Tahor is considered to be a religious cult by many. If they are a religious cult who is doing harm to its members and society, they should be held accountable and punished. But, the punishment should be applied to only those who are true offenders of God’s law and man’s law. It is improper to try to harm all Jews because of a few misguided people. My compassion goes out to anyone who has truly been hurt by this ultra-Orthodox Jewish religion!

But, some people believe that the Lev Tahor group is simply Jews who are seeking to worship God with total devotion. In this article, I will explore how this ultra-Orthodox Jewish group has many similarities to devoted Christians of the Bible. But, they certainly are not Christians. I will expose how they have missed the truth about the true road of salvation. Finally, I will expose how they have misunderstood God’s plan for Israel as a nation. Their anti-Zionist views are in conflict with God’s final plan for Israel. Satan would like people to hate the Lev Tahor group so much that they would want to slaughter every Jewish person.

The Satanic lion is seeking to devour the lone, wandering sheep of Israel. The Lev Tahor group is certainly a lone, wandering sheep. Satan, the Devil, continuously stalks Israel with the evil intention of destroying God’s plan for them. Satan, a rebellious fallen angel, is God’s and Israel’s archenemy. Since God has created the nation of Israel, Satan has used the evil forces of Hell to violently attack them!

1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”

Satan may turn the world against the Jews by bringing attention to a Jewish religion that appears to be a dangerous cult to many. Once the world believes that a religion is a cult, they often classify others with similar characteristics as cults who need to be exterminated. Satan used Hitler to convince the world that Jews were a danger to the rest of the world. The world needs to get the Satanic blinders off before they fall into the pit of Hell. Throughout time, many people have fallen for Satan’s lies about Israel. Jews, as a whole, are our best friends, not our enemies.

Lev Tahor is an ultra-Orthodox Jewish group that originated in Israel, in the 1980’s. Lev Tahor means “Pure Heart” in Hebrew. They are considered to be a religious cult by many of those in Israel. Also, many people around the world consider them to be a religious cult. They have faced legal challenges from Israel, the United States, and Canada. Because of their extreme, fringe religious practices, they have been forced to move from Israel to the U.S., then to Canada, and finally, many of them moved to Guatemala. They are no longer welcome in Guatemala, according to the following quoted article on August 31, 2014:

“A controversial group of Orthodox Jews has been ordered out of a village in Guatemala after disputes with the local people.

A member of Lev Tahor, which was founded in the 1980s in Israel, said they had been threatened ‘with lynching’ if they did not leave San Juan La Laguna. They started moving out on Friday after Mayan village elders voted to ask them to go.

Misael Santos, said: ‘We decided to leave because the Council of Elders does not want us. It’s sad to leave, and there are people who like us here… when we left there were people who cried.’ Lev Tahor were [are] ‘a people of peace’, he said, and had decided to leave ‘to avoid an incident’, according to the AFP news agency. ‘We have a right to be there, but they threatened us with lynching if we don’t leave,’ he said.” (1)

The Lev Tahor group practices a very strict form of Judaism. They are admired by some Jews for their devotion, but others consider them a cult because of their extreme religious practices. There are many things that have branded the Lev Tahor group as a cult to outsiders.

In Guatemala, they were asked to leave because some of the former citizens of the area felt like they were being pressured by the Lev Tahor group into accepting their beliefs.

It is very possible that these ultra-Orthodox Jews were trying to persuade those around them to convert to their beliefs about God. But, in our modern world, this is not “politically correct”, in many places. In fact, some countries, such as Iran, will execute those who try to convert people from the Muslim religion. Nevertheless, if a person believes that they discovered the truth about serving God, it is only compassionate to try to persuade others to the true belief in God. Many religious people consider other religions to be a cult when its members try to convince them to convert to their religion or if they are extremely different.

Jesus gave the great commission to reach the world with the gospel message. We are coming to a time when those who trust in Jesus as their Saviour will be considered a cult. During the prophesied seven-year Tribulation, Christians will be pursued and beheaded by the Antichrist’s soldiers. Bible believing Christians will be considered to be a cult by the governments of the world.

Matthew 28:19-20 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Lev Tahor has also been accused of being a cult because of claims of kidnapping children. Rabbi Helbrans, the founder of the group, was accused of kidnapping a boy. Both the Rabbi and the boy denied that he was kidnapped. But, Rabbi Shlomo Helbrans was put in prison for the alleged kidnapping. The group has often been accused of kidnapping adults. But, when questioned, the adults who were supposedly kidnapped stated that they joined the religious group by free choice.

The ultra-Orthodox Jewish group has also been accused of being a cult due to claims of underage marriages. The alleged misuse of unnecessary psychiatric medications, lack of healthcare and proper education for the children in the religious group have also contributed to claims of Lev Tahor being a cult.

The leaders of the group say that they have followed the laws of the land regarding marriage. They say that the claim of misusing drugs is false. In fact, they say, it is vitamins they take, not drugs. Psychiatric drugs have only been prescribed to a few members who have mental problems.  They say that the group’s healthcare needs are being met. Since this is a religious group, their education consists of learning the Scriptures.

America was founded on the principals of the Bible, but the education system has become corrupt with immoral behaviors of the world. Maybe we need to go back to some of the basics of Bible education, like the Lev Tahor group is practicing. But, instead our jails are filled with children who have often been misguided by a corrupt, immoral education.

Many of the Jews in Israel have become secular in their beliefs. The true religion of the Bible has no appeal for them. If Israel comes to the Bible for education, they will blossom, like a rose in the desert, before God.


HIBM Editorial by Avi Goldstein * Jewish Cult Provokes Anti-Semitism! part 1 – Dr. K. Daniel Fried, Editor in Chiefcopyright  © 2014  www.hopeofisrael.net


Star of David Divider 1

Part 2 of this article will explore more details of this group and the possibility that they could have a part in fulfilling Bible prophecy!

Short Link: http://wp.me/p35lgT-yG


Orthodox Jews expelled from Guatemalan refuge after being threatened ‘with lynching’

(1) http://www.independent.co.uk


Lev Tahor Jews!



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